1 to heralde
    a saluta

2 venture

3 score of
    zeci de

4 hit
    succes colosal

5 pound
    pund (453,6 gr)

6 den

7 to head
    a se indrepta catre

8 to whirl
    a roti

9 unrehearsed

10 zookeeper
    ingrijitor de animale

11 to teach
    a invata

12 to fulfill
    a duce la bun sfarsit

13 spokeswomen
    purtatoare de cuvant

14 to cover
    a trata

15 kidney-shaped
    in forma de rinichi

16 to prompt
    a stimula

17 flight

18 to promote
    a promova

19 to survive
    a supravietui

20 to seem
    a parea

21 loan

22 forever
    pentru totdeauna